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Meet Our Member Protection and Information Officer (MPIO) 
Jenny Burmester

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I have been coming to WVGC with my kids since 2017 for a range of gym programs including training the whole family in preparation for Gymnaestrada2023 in Amsterdam!


I have compIeted ‘PIay By the RuIes’ onIine training and encourage you to confidentiaIIy contact me to discuss any Member Protection issues - MPIOs are the 'go to' person if you want to discuss problems at the club, particularly if you are considering making a formal complaint.


Please note: WVGC takes the role of an MPIO very seriously, Jenny is independent of our committee and staff at the club.  This email address is only accessible by our MPIO and any emails are treated with strict confidence.

If you need to reach out to our MPIO you can reach out on the following email.

Contact Us Here! 

Please fill in this form for the fastest response time and to be instantly sent all information relating to our classes for Term 1, 2025.
All enrolments are processed online via our user-friendly iClass Pro app, allowing our families to manage their admin with us at their convenience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please download and log into our iClass Pro app (enter organisation name Woden Valley Gymnastics Club with or without spaces) to check class availability, (age ranges are added to all class names for easy reference).


Thanks for contacting us! This is the best method of communication with us and one of our staff will respond to you very soon!

02 6287 4121

27 Mulley Street, Holder, ACT 2611

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